Spanish Arch to be demolished following the suspected discovery of Wylliam Martin’s time capsule

Spanish Arch to be demolished following the suspected discovery of Wylliam Martin’s time capsule

The former mayor is making headlines after a suspected discovery, and it’s almost certain consequences.


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Plans have been proposed to the council to demolish Spanish Arch, after the recent discovery of a suspected time capsule.

The time capsule is believed to be under the Galway landmark after a tourist, going by the alias Henny Cabbagehead, reported unusual transmission from their metal detector in the area. Historical documents and maps obtained by the Galway County Council Archives suggest this could be a time capsule from the 12th century mayor.

Cabbagehead wishes to remain anonymous at this time, after receiving dozens of threats from locals. Still, in an exclusive statement obtained by This is Galway they said, “After days of wandering the parks of Galway, I finally found something worthwhile... The number of buckfast bottles I dug up started to make me [feel] like a cheapshot bozo playing hooky from the game we call life… I’m happy I found that capsule and I’m happy that arch is comin’ down.”

The capsule is believed to contain historic documents, a 12th century prayer book belonging to the mayor, a large sum of money, as well as what some believe to be the first transcription of a recipe for a chicken fillet roll.

Following this discovery, a host of international archaeologists and researchers have requested access to demolish Spanish Arch in an effort to retrieve the capsule, along with other pertinent objects believed to be of historical significance. However, these efforts are not met kindly with Galway’s locals.

A student from the University of Galway said in a statement, “The demolition of Sparch is a heartbreaking and disappointing possibility in my eyes. We’re planning to fight this effort with our own. I put in an application to [start] a new University Society… names are pending but at the moment we’re calling ourselves, Sparch for Life… Sparching might not ever be the same.”

An official hearing will be held tomorrow on April 2nd, 2023. Approval for demolition is still pending, and we will keep you informed on any subsequent updates in the coming weeks.

Spanish Arch, Galway Circa 1920 | Images of Old Galway

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