Howya! Kieran O’Malley (Connacht Hospitality Group)
Galway Stories

Howya! Kieran O’Malley (Connacht Hospitality Group)

Didn't you know that Galway is full of interesting characters? Well, we want to give you a chance to get to know some of the sound people of Galway so join us in saying Howya! to some fascinating figures... This month we got chatting to the charismatic Kieran O'Malley....


Howya! Any craic?
Yes loads but if I told you I’d have to kill you.

Tell us about yourself..
My name is Kieran O’Malley and I work in the Connacht Hospitality Group where I work in PR & Social Media.

What do you love about your job?
I love the variety, with eleven different businesses in the group no two days are the same, plus to be fair I work with a great team, it’s a busy and demanding job but we have good craic doing it.

What brought you to Galway?
I came to Galway originally for college and I’ve pretty much been here since.

When are you happiest?
On the football pitch, standing in goal, no phone just in the moment, I feel blessed to still be able to play a lot.

What's your favourite thing to do in Galway?
We are blessed with an incredible food scene in Galway, so definitely eating out.

Tell us one thing you'd love to change about Galway?
I’d love to see an indoor venue for three to five thousand people of bigger music and comedy gigs.

Tell us a secret...
Mayo are going to win the All Ireland next year.

Tell us a joke!
The rotation of Earth really makes my day.

All photos by Ciarán MacChoncarraige

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