In order to introduce you to the incredibly talented tattooists and piercers responsible for the stunning pieces we see coming out of Obsidian Arts, this series of Meet the Artist is to do just that! In this feature we want to introduce you to one of Obsidian Arts’ fabulous piercers: Sinéad.
Located on 3 Cross Street Lower, Obsidian Arts is a custom tattoo and body piercing studio and art gallery in Galway City’s artistic Latin Quarter. Co-owned by the creative duo Debbie and Caz, the Obsidian team are all specialists in their art form and can create the perfect piece of body art for you, no matter whether that’s the piercing you’ve always wanted or a tattoo designed specifically for you.
In this edition of our Q+As with Obsidian Arts’ highly skilled resident artists, we got chatting with piercer Sinéad, to discover how she got her start with piercing, her favourite placements, and to get some tried-and-tested pre and post piercing advice!
To book a piercing appointment with Sinéad head over to her Instagram page @sineadgpiercings to see some of her most recent work and then hit the link here to arrange your appointment.
How long have you been piercing and when did you set up in Galway?
I have been piercing for just under 9 years. I started my apprenticeship in Galway 9 years ago just after I finished school. I’m from Galway, and I love it here.
What is your favourite placement for piercings?
I don’t necessarily have a favourite placement. Everyone is so different and has such different tastes, and I love helping figure out what piercing/piece of jewellery works best for each person.
How did you get into doing piercings in the first place?
I’ve been super into piercings since I was young. I remember years ago there was a documentary on RTÉ 1 about piercings in Ireland, and that skyrocketed my interest. I started getting piercings when I was 16, and since I was already so interested, I was always wrecking my piercer’s head at the time with questions and researching things afterwards. From there, I was lucky to get an apprenticeship in an amazing shop (shoutout to my A.W.O.L pals!).
What is the most rewarding part of your job?
The most rewarding part of my job is definitely seeing someone’s face light up when they see the new piercing they’ve been wanting for so long for the first time. A piercing seems like such a small thing to some people, but it can really mean so much.
above: Industrial Piercing by Sinéad
What advice would you give people before and after they get a piercing?
I would recommend you consider your lifestyle/ job etc. before choosing what you'd like to get. For example, if you wear a headset regularly, avoid getting a piercing that would hit off of it. If you swim regularly, wait for a time when you’re not going to be swimming for a while. It’s important to chat to your piercer about things like that to ensure you’re picking the right piercing for you. Also, make sure you eat before you come in for your piercing!!
As for afterwards, different piercings require different aftercare but just make sure to follow the aftercare instructions. If you run into any problems or aren’t sure about parts of the aftercare don’t be afraid to reach out to your piercer - we’re always happy to chat and help with any problem or question you have! Most importantly: there is no such thing as a stupid question!!! If you’re thinking about it, somebody else (probably me) has asked it before.
Is there a time when you’ve given someone a new piercing that sticks out in your mind?
One of my favourite memories is from when I first started piercing. I was piercing a woman's earlobes - it was her first piercing as she was very excited. Afterward, when she went to look at her new piercings she got emotional and told me that she was trans, and that getting her earlobes pierced was really gender-affirming for her. That really made me realise just how special piercings are.
What’s your least favourite spot to pierce?
I don’t really have a least favourite spot to pierce. There are definitely piercings that still make me a little nervous for sure, but I still love doing them. I find paired piercings quite challenging because obviously they have to be perfectly matching, but I still love doing them. I just feel bad for the person having me staring at them for so long, making sure the marks are good!
What was your first piercing?
My first piercing was just the standard earlobes. I got them done with a gun when I was 4, and I was absolutely traumatised (It clearly didn’t put me off them). I still have my original ear piercings… They’re just about 40mm bigger than they originally were, much to my mother’s horror.
What was the first piercing you gave someone else?
This is very bold, and I don’t recommend or condone this but the first piercing I ever did on somebody else was a tongue frenulum. It was fully supervised and done professionally, but it’s just quite an advanced piercing to start out with. It’s also a piercing that I don’t even offer anymore because of how bad they are for your oral health. I had mine done for a long time, and it ended with a very expensive trip to the dentist. So, I highly advise against them!
Photo of Sinéad by Ciarán MacChoncarraige.
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