HomeEventsCelebrating Bealtaine and May Day at Brigit’s Garden
5th May | 19:00 - 21:00

Celebrating Bealtaine and May Day at Brigit’s Garden

You are warmly invited to join Brigit’s Garden in the Roundhouse on Sunday 5th May from 7 – 9pm for a special celebration of the Celtic fire festival of Bealtaine-May Day and the traditional start of summer. This is a time to re-emerge from the darker half of the year and open ourselves to the growth, warmth, joy and abundance of the summer season.

During the celebrations, they will draw on the rich traditions of Bealtaine that reflect their connection with nature and the spirit of the land, decorating the May-bush and lighting twin Bealtaine fires in the Celtic Gardens. Brigit’s Garden will celebrate with song, story, a meditation, making intentions, and seasonal ritual. After the main celebration you are welcome to stay and share a poem or song around the fire, with a cuppa and chat.

This event is brought to you by Carol Barrett and Jenny Beale.

All are welcome, there is a €20 contribution to Brigit’s Garden, with a €15 concession option or supporting contribution of €25. Please email jenny@brigitsgarden.ie if you require a free place.

Event Date
5th May 2024 - 5th May 2024
Event Time
19:00 - 21:00
Event Category
Brigit's Garden
Event Address
Co. Galway
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Ticket Price
€20 contribution / €15 concession option
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