A Christmas Panto as Gaeilge: Epic tales sAn Taibhdhearc
Events//Family//Irish Language

A Christmas Panto as Gaeilge: Epic tales sAn Taibhdhearc

Leann scéal Fionn Mac Cumhaill, laoch na hÉireann, nuair a bhuaileann sé le Benandonnar, Fathach ollmhór na hAlban.


Nuair a chas siad ar a chéile, rugadh finscéal!

Bhí Fionn ag súil le duine dá dháimh féin, ach a mhalairt a bhí ar intinn ag Benandonnar agus an paca bradach a thóg sé leis. Leis an Mórrígan dorcha ag eitilt, agus cogadh san aer, an dtiocfaidh Fionn slán? Conas atá a fhios agat go bhfuil fíor chairde agat? Agus….tuige, TUIGE, an Phíb Mhór?!

Lean an scéal seo linn i bhfíor-stíl Fíbín sa Taibhdhearc.

Follow the story of Fionn McCool, the hero/giant of ancient Irish lore and his encounter with Scottish Giant Benandonnar.

When they met, it was causeway!

While Fionn had hoped to meet a kindred spirit, the bauld Benandonnar and his less than bonnie buddies had other ideas. Can Ireland’s true hero survive this (literally) earth shattering encounter? How do you know if you have true friends? and why oh why, are bagpipes?

Our story chronicles that first meeting in true Fíbín (sa Taibhdhearc) style.

7ú - 23ú Nollaig
7th - 23rd December
2.30pm* & 7.30pm
*Seó 2.30pm ar an 9ú, 10ú, 16ú, 17ú, 23ú
€14 / €16 + táille áirithinte (booking fee)

Ticéid ar díol anois! Tickets on sale now!

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