Sarah Browne’s Grilled Oysters with Three Cornered Leek & Nigella Seed Butter Recipe
Food & Drink//Recipes

Sarah Browne’s Grilled Oysters with Three Cornered Leek & Nigella Seed Butter Recipe

Oysters are a highlight of Irish cuisine so if you fancy finding out how to prepare them to taste absolutely divine you are going to want to check out this recipe. Courtesy of Sarah Browne of Oyosome, savor the magic of this seafood delicacy with her recipe for grilled oysters with three cornered leek and nigella seed butter..

You’ll find three cornered leeks growing in damp, partially shaded woodland areas from December through to April. They look sort of like snowdrops when they go to flower, but snow drops have a more bell-like shape. The distinctive characteristic of three cornered leeks is in the name. Their stems have three distinct corners. They also smell distinctly like a freshly cut scallion. Always check the plant you’re foraging using a plant identifier app or a foragers handbook. Only take 10% of the plant to allow it to replenish itself. If you’re not arsed with foraging you can just get some young leeks in the shop, or failing that, some scallions.

Grilled Oysters with Three Cornered Leek & Nigella Seed Butter


2 dozen oysters
40g three cornered leeks
100g Kerrygold butter
½ tsp nigella seeds


1.Add the butter to a deep pot and melt on medium heat until it foams. It’ll make quite a bit of noise while it’s foaming. You’ll know it’s ready when it falls silent and takes on a nutty aroma.
2.Meanwhile, wash the leeks well and pat dry with a clean tea towel.
3.When the butter has cooled slightly, add in the leeks. Allow to infuse for around 30 mins.
4.Add the butter and leeks to a blender and blitz for 2-3 minutes, until the butter is a vibrant green. Strain the butter through a fine sieve. 5.Discard the pulp.
6.Stir in the nigella seeds and put your butter into the fridge to set.
7.Heat up the barbeque until it is very hot.
8.While it’s heating, shuck the oysters (shucking guide available at
9.Add a ½ tsp of the butter to each oyster and place on the hot barbeque. Cook for around 2 mins, until the butter is bubbling.
10. Use tongs to remove the hot oysters from the grill and serve immediately.

Jess/ Sarah

Photography by Ciarán MacChoncarraige

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