Howya? – Tomek Ciezki
We’re having the chats with some familiar faces around town. This time up its filmmaker and properly sound guy, Tomek Ciezki
Who are you and what do you do?
I’m a Polish self-taught filmmaker who had set out on a Canadian adventure 15 years ago and ended up living in Ireland for the last 11 years. I’m an early ‘90s skateboarder, father of a 3 year old and a director/producer at my video production company Heavy Man Films.
What’s your favourite lunch spot in town?
That’s a tough one as we’re so spoilt with incredible choice here in Galway. KAI would be my favourite place to go for lunch with my family or visitors, if I need a quick healthy fix it’s usually the delicious curry from the Secret Garden, and if I’m craving a nice sandwich or a meaty dish that has to be Tartare then.
Favourite spot for a drink in town?
In town it’s definitely Neachtain’s. On a sunny day it’s the perfect spot to watch the world go by. Then usually followed by one of the spots in the Westend: Bierhaus, Il Vicolo, Universal and last but not least my Westend favourite Blue Note, which I have a huge sentimental connection with as I met my wife to be Joanna there. She’s the reason I moved to Galway from Cork four years ago.
Favourite time of year in Galway?
Summer time hands down. Especially the kind we had for a few weeks last year. It feels like another world then. I love the panicked feeling that it’s gonna end very soon as it’s too good to be true so you take advantage of it to the fullest while it lasts. I like winter time too but not exactly the Galway type of one. Has to be snowy and sunny.
Galway’s best kept secret?
Carna Beach. A perfect weekend hideout for a day trip or camping. A bit of sunshine makes you feel like you’re somewhere in the Caribbean out there. And the Train Station gym in the Westend – a life changing place. I’m a big fan of these guys.
Favourite place to be on a rainy day in Galway?
Cinema – either a real one or at home with my family. On a work day I like to hide in our edit suite if it’s free. Rain helps me to get things done without the regret of not being outdoors.
I also enjoy walking Happy on a beach when it’s raining
What’s your favourite part of your job?
I really enjoy meeting new people, learning about their lives and discovering why they do what they do. Also the constant challenge. Each project is different so you need to approach it differently and come up with a new idea to tell each story in the best possible (or sometimes impossible) way. I used to travel quite a bit (to other parts of the world) with work which I loved and I miss every so often. I decided to change it when my daughter was born so it’s mostly projects around Ireland now.
If there was one person in the whole world you could do a shoot with, who would that be?
It would probably be Werner Herzog. I love his attitude and approach for storytelling. He’s a very interesting character with an intriguing past. Also, he has an amazing sense of humor in spite of being German hahaha.
What’s Your All-time Favourite Film?
Spike Lee’s ‘25th Hour’ and also a Canadian film ‘One Week’ by Michael McGowan. Irish: “Good Vibrations” – can’t remember how many times I’ve watched it and I always greatly enjoy it. My recent Polish favourite one would be ‘Silent Night’ – a great essence of who we are as a nation by Piotr Domalewski.
Finally, the question we’ve all been asking… Who really runs Heavyman Films, you or Happy?
It’s not a secret. She’s the real boss behind the whole operation. We’re only her soldiers carrying the cameras for her.
Photos by Boyd Challenger