Howya! Kate Thompson (Galway United FC)
Galway Stories

Howya! Kate Thompson (Galway United FC)

Didn't you know that Galway is full of interesting characters? Well, we want to give you a chance to get to know some of the sound people of Galway so join us in saying Howya! to some fascinating figures... This month we got chatting to the incredible U19 Captain Kate Thompson....


Tell us about yourself..
My name is Kate Thompson, I’m 18 years old. I’m the Ireland Women’s U19 Captain, and I play for Galway United.

What do you love about what you do?
I'm fully focused on my playing career. I've also just recently finished the Leaving Cert, and competed in the U19 Euros.

What brought you to Galway?
I’m actually from Galway originally so I have always been around!

What is your happiest memory?
Hard to choose but probably qualifying for the Euros this year. That was a big moment!

What's your favourite thing to do in Galway?
I'd say something to do with the beach; either walking the dogs or going for a swim with my friends.

Tell us one thing you'd love to change about Galway?
Definitely a couple more clothes shops. We don’t have much compared to places like Dublin.

Tell us a secret...
Not sure if it’s even a secret but I have to have scrambled eggs and toast before each game. It's just my pre-game routine!

Tell us a joke!
Why was Cinderella so bad at football?
She kept running away from the ball!

Photos courtesy of Galway United FC

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