HomeEventsGalway Comedy Festival presents Al Porter: NOW at the Town Hall Theatre
28th October | 20:00 -

Galway Comedy Festival presents Al Porter: NOW at the Town Hall Theatre

Six years ago, at 24 years old, Al was Ireland’s brightest new star, selling out theatres around Ireland and the UK. From just 19 his career had been a runaway train and he became the youngest headliner in Vicar Street’s history at only 21. His award winning stand up received rave reviews from critics, he had his own TV and radio shows and big plans in motion for the USA.

Then, it all fell apart. As Al wrote in an article in 2022, he “had to listen and grow up and make changes” having been “hugely immature…inconsiderate…a mess, oblivious, obnoxious…an idiot” and having let a lot of people down. Al’s sincere stance since has received an overwhelmingly positive response.

Now, hot off the back of a sell-out work in progress tour, with reports of standing ovations every night, the word is out that Al has come back better than ever, only just hitting his prime. Some of the old gloss is gone but that reveals the real Al beneath.

NOW is a hilarious tour de force. A feel-good show with unbreakable spirit and optimism and big laughs from start to finish from the head and heart of one Ireland’s best comic talents.

Al has come back with a see-it-to-believe-it presence and as a powerhouse performer in his best show yet!

Event Date
28th October 2023 - 28th October 2023
Event Time
20:00 -
Event Category Venue
Town Hall Theatre
Event Address
1 Courthouse Square,
H91 VF21
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Ticket Price
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