HomeEventsDifferent Perspectives: International Theatre Night at An Taibhdhearc
26th July | 14:00 -

Different Perspectives: International Theatre Night at An Taibhdhearc

Fíbin is thrilled to announce that it will host an International Theatre Night at An Taibhdhearc, Galway. This free event will take place on the 26th of July at 2pm.

This exciting event will feature two prominent European theatre companies – Tryater from Friesland, The Netherlands, and Centro Dramático Galego from Galicia, Spain. This collaboration is part of the EU Phōnē project, which aims to promote cultural exchange and understanding through theatre.

“We are honoured to host such esteemed theatre companies at our International Theatre Night,” says Darach Ó Tuairisg from Fíbín. “This event is a wonderful opportunity to showcase the diversity and richness of European theatre. It’s an exciting opportunity for the people Galway to see new theatre from other minoritised languages perform and meet to discuss their craft.”


Tá ríméad ar Fíbín a fhógairt go mbeidh siad ag óstáil Súil eile: Oíche Idirnáisiúnta Drámaíochta sa Taibhdhearc, Gaillimh. Beidh an imeacht saor in aisce ar siúl ar an 26ú lá de Iúil ag 2pm.

Beidh dhá chompántas amharclainne suntasacha Eorpacha páirteach san imeacht spreagúil seo – Tryater ó Fhrísland, an Ísiltír, agus Centro Dramático Galego ó an Ghailís, an Spáinn. Is cuid de thogra AE Phōnē an comhoibriú seo, a bhfuil sé mar aidhm aige malartú cultúrtha agus tuiscint a chur chun cinn trí amharclann.

“Táimid an-bhródúil go mbeimid ag óstáil compántais amharclainne chomh cáiliúla ag ár nOíche Amharclainne Idirnáisiúnta,” a dúirt urlabhraí ó Fíbín. “Is deis iontach an t-imeacht seo chun éagsúlacht agus saibhreas amharclainne na hEorpa a léiriú.

Event Date
26th July 2024 - 26th July 2024
Event Time
14:00 -
Event Category Venue
An Taibhdhearc
City Centre
Event Address
19 Middle St,
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Ticket Price
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