HomeEventsCelebrating Brigit ‘Lá Fhéile Bríde’ at Brigit’s Garden (Cancelled due to Storm Damage)
3rd February | 09:30 - 16:30

Celebrating Brigit ‘Lá Fhéile Bríde’ at Brigit’s Garden (Cancelled due to Storm Damage)

You are warmly invited to a day-long celebration of Brigit, goddess and saint, and the Celtic fire festival of Imbolc through a rich weaving of stories, reflection, ritual and creativity.

Brigit still speaks to us today through her deep connection to nature and the land and her passion for healing and peace. She continues to be a source of inspiration, creativity and renewal as we move from the quiet of winter into the re-birth of spring in an uncertain world.

The day will encompass a nourishing blend of stories and songs, discussion, ritual, cross-making and time in nature (weather permitting). A lovely opportunity for renewal both individually and in community, to tune in to the energy of spring and to reset our intentions for the year ahead.

-The symbols and stories of goddess and saint
-Making Brigit’s crosses and Brídeog figures
-Brigit rituals of the Crios and the Brat Bhríde
-Nature meditation walk or indoor meditation
-Sacred fire

The day is offered by: Carol Barrett – nature educator, folklorist, crafter and forager; Jenny Beale – founder and director of Brigit’s Garden; and Caroline McFadden – fire-keeper, singer and artist.

Registration is from 9.30am with tea and coffee, and the workshop will start at 10am. A coffee break with scones and a two-course hot lunch is included. The day will finish by 4.30pm.

Contributions for the day are €80 standard, €70 concession and €90 supporting. All proceeds go to support Brigit’s Garden, a not-for-profit and registered charity. If you need a further concession or a free place please email jenny@brigitsgarden.ie

All are welcome. Numbers are limited.

We look forward to seeing you!

Event Date
3rd February 2025 - 3rd February 2025
Event Time
09:30 - 16:30
Event Category Venue
Brigit's Garden
Event Address
Co. Galway
View Map
Ticket Price
Contributions for the day are €80 standard, €70 concession and €90 supporting.
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