HomeEventsAn Taibhdhearc’s ‘Gaeltacht Na Todhchaí/Future Gaeltacht’ Culture Night 2023
22nd September | 21:00 -

An Taibhdhearc’s ‘Gaeltacht Na Todhchaí/Future Gaeltacht’ Culture Night 2023

Returning for a second year in a row for Galway Culture night, Fíbín sa Taibhdhearc invites you on a journey through time. On September 22nd, Middle Street will transform into a multicultural Gaeltopian metropolis of the future, bursting at the seams with culture and life. A host of performances and spectacles await, in An Taibhdhearc’s ‘Future Gaeltacht’; Gaeltacht na Todhchaí.

Be sure to check out this event!


Tagaigí ar thuras tríd Sráid Láir na Gaillimhe agus amach go Conamara, chun blaiseadh a fháil de Ghaeltacht na Todhchaí. Cuirfidh Fíbín sa Taibhdhearc an Ghaeltacht os comhair an phobail mar shamhlaítear í sa todhchaí; lán de bheocht agus i measc pobail ilchultúrtha. Oíche le ceol, drámaíocht, ealaín, teicneolaíocht agus neart eile. Beidh taispeántas ceoil agus ealaíona ar siúl i nGaeltacht Chonamara freisin.

An Taibhdhearc’s ‘Future Gaeltacht’; Gaeltacht na Todhchaí Middle Street will transform into a multicultural Gaeltopian metropolis of the future, bursting at the seams with culture and life. A host of outdoor performances and spectacles await, in An Taibhdhearc’s ‘Future Gaeltacht’; Gaeltacht na Todhchaí. Fíbín sa Taibhdhearc will also present a music and art performance in the Connemara Gaeltacht.

Event Date
22nd September 2023 - 22nd September 2023
Event Time
21:00 -
Event Category Venue
An Taibhdhearc
Latin Quarter
Event Address
19 Middle St,
H91 RX76
View Map
Ticket Price
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