HomeEvents10 Week Breathcourse with Free Flow Breath
13th September | 20:00 -

10 Week Breathcourse with Free Flow Breath

Allow Catherine O’Beirn to take you on self-healing journey to free yourself from anxiety and outdated beliefs using your breath.

As we choose to enter into the stillness of breath and relax deeply into our nervous system, heightened states of consciousness become possible. This unique breathing technique creates physiological shifts within our body that include activated theta brainwaves, deep tissue immune activation and improved blood rheology. Some may experience this a purely physical sensory experience or deep relaxation; whilst others may have a “parasympathetic release” associated with the sense of stuck emotions leaving the body and a heart that feels lighter and more open.

There is immense power when breathing in a group together and an opportunity to heal with courage.

This 10 week course will be more of a journey of inner exploration with an intimate number of 12 max in the group. Book now by calling 085 2267910.

Catherine O’Beirn has been following her passion facilitating breath courses and workshops for the past 3 year, sharing the immense power with have when we learn how to harness our breath. The best medicine of all.

Event Date
13th September 2023 - 13th September 2023
Event Time
20:00 -
Event Category Venue
Súil Eile Barna
Event Address
Unit 4,
Súil Eile Space,
An Coirnéal,
Co. Galway,

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Ticket Price
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